In my professional opinion and from personal experience; i would say that majority of ones health can be determined by there gut health. The father of modern medicine, Hippocrates of Kos, states that "All disease begin in the gut". As the gut is one of the most used organs in the body then surely all diseases are linked. The gut is build up of thousands of microbs making up your microbiome. Your gut microbiome starts forming from birth, some studies indicate that the way you were born heavily influences the formation of you gut micobiome. Having an unhealthy biome has been strongly linked with weight gain, weak immune systems and an increased risk of allergies. But how does something like your gut control so much of your body? It’s called the enteric system.

The enteric system is made up of all the same cells that your brain is made up of, therefore often referred to as the second brain. The microbes in your gut communicate directly with your brain; sending signals of when to eat, processing what you’re eating and can also even work out why you’re eating!

There is a lot more allergies in peoples diet now than ever before. This could be due to the lack of healthy gut microbiome; leading to an overactive immune system, making individuals more sensitive to the risk of allergies.

To increase the healthy microbes in your gut you also need some of the unhealthy guys to keep the healthy ones on their toes! I speak to my clients a lot about eating the right foods for your gut health and trying to explain the important relationship it has with overall health. 
To keep it simple, i have made a short list of foods you can eat every day to ensure you keep your gut as healthy as possible ! These foods will increase your healthy gut micro biome, i have also listed some foods to avoid. 


Food to include;

-       Fresh vegetables

-       Brassica vegetables; broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, spinach ect.

-       Fresh Fruit

-       Whole meal products high in fibre; barley, oats, flaxseeds

-       Herbs and Spices; turmeric and ginger

-       Probiotics; full fat Greek yoghurt, kefir, fermented foods

-       Prebiotics; artichokes, onions, leeks, asparagus, apples

-       Healthy fats; avocado, extra virgin olive oil, raw nuts, coconut oil

-       Seeds; pumpkin seeds, lin seeds, chia seeds, flax seeds

-       Herbal teas

-       Dark chocolate (at least 80%)


Foods to avoid;

-       Deli meats; red meat, bacon and sausages

-       Sugar; chocolate, fruit juices, lollies ect

-       Processed foods; breakfast cereals, packet chips, biscuits, muffins and pasties (you get the gist!)

-       Deep fried foods

-       Salad dressings; sauces, artificial colors, flavours and additives


The funny few;

-       Selected Dairy; some people just don’t break lactose down properly and that’s fine! But for others hard cheeses can be a great choice.

-       Selected Gluten; Baked goods and white fluffy bread are often made with a lot of sugar to give it volume. But selecting a thick whole grain bread can contain high levels of fibre to feed the gut. You can also eat wheat like rye, spelt or flaxseeds that contain low amounts of gluten.

-       Legumes; Can cause a lot of bloating to people, but for others they are a great source of protein. 


If you're interested in reading more about the gut i would recommend reading;

1. The Clever Guts Diets by Dr Michael Mosley

2. Gut by Guila Enders 

3. The Mind Gut Connection by Emeran Mayer