Sweet Potato Brownie

Sweet Potato Brownie

And here they are ! The long awaited for and well tested sweet potato brownie recipe !

These are super easy, gluten free, dairy free and naturally sweetened with some dates.

This recipe is great as there is lots of alternatives to it ! Its rich and soft and I’m going to guess it would last in the freezer but mine doesn’t usually make it that far !

Sweet Potato Brownies - Happy Friday !

1 large sweet potato

1/2 cup of dates

1/2 cup of cacoa

1 cup of coconut four

2 heaped tablespoons of peanut butter

1/4 cup of oil of choice

1/4 cup of rice malt syrup

dash of vanilla

2 eggs (use the leftover water from a chickpea tin if you’re vegan)

  • Roasted the potato in coconut oil until cooked through (you could again substitute this for pumpkin, avocado, black beans- just about anything!)

  • Put the dates and potato in a blend and mix well

    (hot tip- always put the dates in with something soft or a liquid)

  • Add then add oil, rice malt, eggs and peanut butter

  • Let it mix for a minute or two before adding flour and cacoa

  • Add a small amount of salt and vanilla just to taste .

You may need to add a small amount of water but this will depend on how much sweet potato (wet ingredients) you had. Bake in the oven on 200degC for about 20 minutes and then enjoy !

If i have any, i also top it with dark choc chips- just for the fun of it !

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